Malmstén foundation

Georg Malmstén foundation promotes and supports Finnish creative popular music

The grants admitted by the foundation for composing, songwriting and arranging are distributed annually. The grants are not meant for equipment acquisitions, studio fees or travel fees. Please provide specific information about the project.

The grants are personal. If the applicant is a working group (e.g. a band), should each of the members apply personally. The foundation does not grant scholarships to members of its own board or the board of the Finnish Music Creators.

Georg Malmstén Foundation’s working scholarships are up to 2000 euros.

Georg Malmstén -säätiö
c/o Suomen Musiikintekijät ry
Keilasatama 2 A
02150 Espoo

Grant rounds


1. – 31.10.2025


Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2024
57 grants given, for a total of 100 650 €
Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2023
44 grants given, for a total of 86 000 €
Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2022
36 grants given, for a total of 71 500 €
Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2021
33 grants given, for a total of 65 600 €
Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2020
38 grants given, for a total of 73 000 €
Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2019
25 grants given, for a total of 49 000 €
Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2018
27 grants given, for a total of 51 500 €
Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2017
28 grants given, for a total of 51 190 €
Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2016
28 grants given, for a total of 52 690 €