Sibelius fund

The Sibelius Fund of the Society of Finnish Composers awards grants promoting creative
Finnish composition. The Fund was established in 1945.

The Sibelius Fund of the Society of Finnish Composers awards the following grants promoting creative Finnish composition:

1. Primarily, grants for composing concert or other contemporary classical music. Secondarily, composition studies can also be taken into account. Working grants are not awarded for recordings, instrument or equipment purchases. The recipient of a grant has until the end of the next calendar year to submit a report of the use of awarded grant.

2. Grants for the commission of new chamber/concert music. Musicians, ensembles and, for example, choirs or festival organizers can apply for this grant to cover the commission fee of a composer. A working group can also apply for this grant.

This grant can also be applied for the commission of contemporary classical works from a professional composer for pedagogical use. Cooperation between the composer and the instrument instructor is considered an advantage in the selection process.

Commission grants are not awarded to already realized costs or projects; the project must therefore start after the application has been submitted. Works that have been completed or preformed are not eligible. A composer must see to it that only one commission grant application regarding their works is submitted per round. NB! The composer receives a link to their email to confirm that the
commission and the fee have been agreed upon with them. A composer must accept only one grant application per round.

3. The Pegasos grant for the writing and composing of Finnish poems and librettos. The focus is on compositions made to works of living Finnish poets. Poets and librettists can also apply for the grant if the text is part of a composition. Composers are eligible for a new grant if the Pegasos grant is awarded to a poet or a librettist.

The Pegasos grants are financed by donations from the Union of Finnish Writers, the Society of Swedish Authors in Finland and the Society of Finnish Composers. The donations originate from the collective copying renumerations collected by the copyright society Kopiosto.

4. One to three grants for composing church music. The applicant can be the composer (working grant) or the commissioner (e.g., musician, choir or parish). Please, tick the box if you are applying for a church music grant. In the application explain how the work is religious or in connection to the church.

If the applicant also wants to be taken into consideration for the grants in categories 1 and 2, a second separate grant application must be filled. A composer can apply for a general and a church music grant but can only be awarded one. Each grant application has to be made on separate forms.

NB! To expand the number of composers receiving grants from the Sibelius Fund, a composer can only receive a grant every two years from any of the grant categories. A composer is also not eligible for a new grant if a previously awarded project is still unfinished or the final report has not been submitted. A composer must not approve any new applications from commissioners if they have received a grant on the previous round or if a previously awarded grant is not yet finished.

Invest effort in the application and explain the motivations behind it. It is important to state when and where the premiere will take place, as well as possible subsequent performances. Introduce the composer, performer and commissioner as relevant: CV, description of artistic activity, audio sample and link to a homepage, etc. Attach a precise financial plan that explains the total budget of the project, and all granted or planned funding. If the project receives additional support after the application has been submitted, please, inform the director of the Sibelius Fund.

Grants 1, 3 and 4 are tax-free income for the recipient within the limits set by the Finnish tax authorities. These grants are applied by the composer.

Grants 2 and 4 are taxable income for the composer.

The Sibelius Fund also distributes collective copying remunerations collected by the copyright society Kopiosto and funds allocated by the Music Copyright Society Teosto to the Society of Finnish Composers for this purpose.

Suomen Säveltäjäin Sibelius-rahasto / Sibelius Fund
Keilasatama 2 A
FI-02150 Espoo

Vappu Verronen
040 500 5905

Phone service:
Tue 3.10.2023 at 3–4 pm
Mon 30.10.2023 at 1–4 pm

Grant rounds


Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2023
30 grants given, for a total of 92 500 €
Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2022
28 grants given, for a total of 84 400 €
Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2021
37 grants given, for a total of 114 500 €
Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2020
26 grants given, for a total of 91 000 €
Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2019
28 grants given, for a total of 78 300 €
Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2018
24 grants given, for a total of 76 200 €
Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2017
21 grants given, for a total of 68 500 €
Granted stipends 1. – 31.10.2016
23 grants given, for a total of 82 000 €